
Malia Griggs

Blind Date Diaries by Malia Griggs

Hearst has a new start-up called Trending NY, which is a weekly women’s magazine to be handed out on subways this fall. I was asked to go on a blind date for its reoccurring story, “Blind Date Diaries,” which fixes up two people on a date, then has them separately recap their experiences. The writer, Annie Daly, exchanged my contact info with a guy I’d never met, Patrick, and arranged for us to meet at Centi'anni, an Italian restaurant with handmade pasta in our neighborhood, Crown Heights. 

Before the date, Patrick texted me to say that I could identify him as the one with a flower tucked inside a copy of “Pride & Prejudice.” I said I’d be the one at the top of the Empire State Building, so I’d be harder to spot. 

I didn’t know what to expect, but as it turned out, he was from North Carolina (I’m from South), we both drive ‘90s Volvo station wagons (such beautiful junk boxes on wheels) and are interested in comedy and writing. Drinks turned into dinner, a long stroll peppered with discussions about Halloween costumes, travels abroad, gentrification and our opinions on improv. Standard Brooklyn date convo. He eventually accompanied me as I checked out an open room in a friend’s apartment directly across from the Brooklyn Museum.

It was a really fun date and reminded little ol’ jaded me why going on dates can be such a cool way to meet new people.